Hi, I’m Kathryn

I’m a writer and writing coach. I write nonfiction, poetry, and screenplays, along with morning pages (almost) every day, and I love working with writers of all genres. My specialty is personal nonfiction.

Writing & Book Coaching

The beautiful thing about writing is that it’s a lifelong vocation, and it doesn’t matter when you start. I’m here to meet you where you are, whether it’s launching, developing, or bringing a project to completion.

Process & Pricing

The first 30-minute meeting is free, via phone, zoom, or in-person meeting—maybe this is all you need to get going! After that, my hourly rate is $165, and I offer packages for coaching sessions, and manuscript consultation.

Books, Brief Works, & Blogs

  • Immortal Village

    Immortal Village is a poetry collection about wildness versus domesticity, about desire set against the civilizing structures of myth, marriage, school, and village.

  • Souvenir

    Souvenir, a collection of autobiographical essays rooted in the present, investigates travel, staying put, and how it is that our experience of being here right now includes so much of being elsewhere at another time.

  • Survival Stories

    Survival Stories celebrates the memoir as an art form, as well as the human instinct to survive and adapt to adversity.

  • Near Breathing

    Near Breathing is the story of a difficult and transformative birth experience. Rather than the ‘perfect birth’ the author can later imagine, she and her husband instead experience the near-death of their infant daughter.

  • Brief Works & Blogs

    Two blogs—Favorite Household Object, and Writing Trouble—and links to published essays.

  • “I wrote and published my first book, a memoir-in-essays, under Kathryn’s guidance and felt supported by her expertise, valuable editing and coaching through what could be a daunting process. Her writing feedback is insightful, keen and encouraging—I couldn’t wait to get her edits and believe myself to be a far stronger writer as a result of working with her.”

    Carla Rachel Sameth, author of One Day on the Gold Line: A Memoir in Essays, What Is Left, and Secondary Inspections.

  • “I had the privilege of being mentored by Kathryn during my MFA program in creative nonfiction at the Queens University of Charlotte. She was one of the most thorough and thoughtful readers and reviewers of my work. Her suggestions made my writing better—and they made me a better writer. She also showed me that she cared about me as a human being, and that meant the world to me. Kathryn is a formidable literary ally.”

    Amy Martin, producer/screenwriter, playwright and essayist

  • “I’ve held many roles: writer, editor, mentor. For my own creative work, there is no better advisor, collaborator, editor, and guide than Kathryn Rhett. From literary dreaming and brainstorming, to market discussions, to book scaffolding and line level edits, Kathryn is masterful and unmatched. More than this, she is inspiring, reassuring and delightful. The universe is working in your favor when it puts Kathryn Rhett in your path.”

    Kerri Devine, writer and founder, Hot in Charleston

  • Working with Kathryn while developing my memoir was one of the most enjoyable parts of the writing process. She offered helpful feedback at every opportunity and not only helped me with my short-term goals of creating a well-rounded manuscript but also encouraged me to think in terms of far-reaching commercial goals for once the manuscript was accepted by a press. I would encourage any and every writer to include her on their team!

    Samantha Otto Brown, author of Sub Wife: A Memoir from the Homefront (MilSpeak Books, 2021)

Recent Blog Posts

Writing Trouble: The Tough Stuff

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Writing Trouble: Island of Grief

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Writing Trouble: Extraordinary World

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Writing Trouble: Broken

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